Arbitrations with the Public Administration

CAMARB administered 30 arbitration proceedings involving parties subject to the Public Law regime, such as States, Municipalities and Regulatory Agencies.

From 2017 onwards, the Arbitration Rules of CAMARB started to specifically regulate the procedures involving the participation of the Public Administration, by means of a specific Chapter, which includes, among others, the following provision:

“12.2 – The Secretariat of CAMARB shall disclose on its website the existence of the proceeding, the date of the request for arbitration and the names of the claimant(s) and respondent(s)”.

Thus, pursuant to item 12.2 of the Arbitration Rules of CAMARB for 2017 and 2019, below is a list of the arbitration proceedings with parties subject to Public Law, commenced as of September 2017:

Number Application date Claimant(s) Respondent(s) Status
20.17 16/11/2017 Consórcio Energia-Esmeralda Companhia Paulista de
Trens Metropolitanos – CPTM
29.18 17/12/2018 Minas Arena – Gestão de
Instalações Esportivas S/A
State of Minas Gerais In progress
A-280/19 01/03/2019 Concessionária Rodovia dos Tamoios S/A State of São Paulo Finished
A-288/19 03/07/2019 Águas de Itu Exploração de
Serviços de Água e Esgoto S/A
Municipality of Estância Turística de Itu In progress
A-296/19 19/12/2019 Consócio BHLESTE, Consórcio Dez,
Consórcio Dom Pedro II e Consórcio Pampulha
Municipality of Belo Horizonte Suspended
A-300/20 29/04/2020 Novo Metropolitano S/A Municipality of Belo Horizonte Finished
A-304/20 18/06/2020 SPE Terminal Belo Horizonte S/A Municipality of Belo Horizonte In progress
A-306/20 10/08/2020 CONSÓRCIO SERVENG / ACCIONA AGUA / GOETZE LOBATO ENGENHARIA State of Rio de Janeiro In progress
A-329/20 11/12/2020 Via Magna Construções e Empreendimentos Ltda CEASAMINAS Centrais de Abastecimento de Minas Gerais S/A In progress
A-380/22 08/09/2022 Concessionária Paulista de Medicamentos S.A. (‘CPM’) Fundação Para o Remédio Popular “Chopin Tavares De Lima” (‘FURP’) In progress
A-386/22 27/10/2022 Ouro Preto Serviços de Saneamento S.A - SANEOURO Município de Ouro Preto In progress
A-394/22 01/12/2022 Concessionária da Rodovia MG-050 S.A. Estado de Minas Gerais In progress
A-425/23 28/04/2023 ONM HEALTH S.A. Município de Belo Horizonte In progress